Dansk MaskinMontage Aps

We handle all types of tasks in the dismantling, removal and installation.

Factory Relocation



Jacking & Skidding

Machine Transport

Machine Hotel


Service & Maintenance

Professionel Machine Installation

Dansk Maskin Montage has extensive experience with installation, dismantling, relocation and restart of machinery and production lines.

The company has Great expertise in project management, repair, maintenance and troubleshooting.

We have professional installers, the necessary special tools, trucks and transport.

Dansk Maskin Montage handles all types of tasks in the dismantling, removal and installation.

Call us: +45 76 80 60 50

We Have More Than 35 Years Of Experience

Extensive experience in dismantling, relocation, installation and restart of machines and production lines.

Project Map View

Contact Us

Dansk MaskinMontage Aps

Ryttervangen 14
7323 Give

Tlf. +45 76 80 60 50

Mobile: +45 40 36 65 50
